Friday, March 27, 2009

L.I.F.E.- List Idea Friday Everyone

Every Friday I will feature a new idea from the book Dream it. List it. Do it! that you can add to your life’s to do list.

Today I picked one from the chapter called “Reconnect with Loved Ones”-

Meet Family Members in Ireland

This sounds cool, and if I had family members in another country I would definitely want to go visit. But I don’t even know what my ancestry is. I’d just classify myself as American. But if I found out I had a strong Irish heritage, I would make a point to go to Ireland someday.

I do need to get in touch with some family members though. I have a small family. Really, right now it is just my mom and my uncle. But before my dad married my mom, he had 2 sons in his previous marriage. So I have 2 half-brothers. They are way older than me and I never lived with them. The youngest one was in college when I was born and the older one has a daughter my age. I have 3 half-nieces and 1 half-nephew. I used to see them about once a year or so, but I don’t think I have seen any of them since my dad died almost 10 years ago.

This week I got a flyer in the mail from Calvary Christian School. It was from my nephew asking for a donation for some Helping Hands program. I feel bad because I have never met this nephew and didn’t even know how old he is. Judging from the info on the flyer he is in 4K, so I am guessing he is 4. I will send in a donation, but really I need to go meet him. They live right outside Winston-Salem, so I have no excuse.

I guess it is just hard because I feel like such an outsider with them, especially now that my dad is gone. And why don’t they try to get in touch with me? I guess I’ll just have to get over that and reach out to them first huh?

Have you ever gotten in touch with long-lost family members? Is there someone in your family you haven’t been in touch with for a while?

1 comment:

Mere said...

My dad's father's family is in PA (I live in TX) and my granddad passed away before I was born so my dad lost touch with them. I didn't meet any of them 'til I was 18 and I have only been back once since then. I'm really glad you posted this, it reminds me that I need to reconnect with them. Maybe that'll be on my list for April. Thank you for the inspiration!