Sunday, August 21, 2011

Sunday Snippets

It's been a while since I have done a Sunday Snippets.  I'll admit, I was a little slack over the summer.  With lots of weekend trips and too many late-nights on Saturdays, I missed quite a few Sundays at church.  We also took a break from our Bible study group over the summer, so I wasn't as "in the Word" as I normally am. 

But church sure was back in full force this morning!  Most of the college kids are back from summer break and you would have thunk NKOTB was playing at church this morning.  It was packed out!  We had to fill the lobby with chairs and people were even sitting on the floor!  It was craziness. 

I volunteer for our 11:00 service and pass out bulletins as people walk in.  I ran out.  Twice.  While the rest of the team was scrambling to get extra chairs for the lobby, I was hunting down more grape juice for communion.  We had to get extra trays for the cups too.  And just in case you where ever wondering how they fill all those tiny little cups, there is actually a contraption for that.  I'm not sure of it's official name, but here is what the cup-filler-uper looks like:

Anyway, we are starting a series called Gospel: The Revolutionary Power of the Christian Life.  I'm excited for this series.  Our small group is taking a break from our Romans study to follow along with this one in our weekly study.  I'm going to start with some of my favorite snippets from Part 1, which was last Sunday's sermon:

We live the Christian life out of love-filled joy, not duty-filled obligation.

God is after our motivations, not our actions.

Real change begins not with you being told what you need to do for God, but by believing what God has done for you.

The challenge is not earning God's love, but believing that God's love was given as a gift and releasing the power of that gift into your life.

How spiritual change happens?  By abiding in the Gospel. 

And this:

Want to listen to the sermons, follow along with a FREE study guide, and more? 

GO HERE- The Summit Church: Gospel.


Ally said...

That gospel prayer is really nice. I like it a lot.

Asia said...

This is a awesome post! I love reading Romans.