Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Pinterest Love and Weight Loss

I am obsessed with Pinterest!  If you haven't discovered the awesomeness of Pinterest and need an invite just let me know and I can send you one.  But be forewarned- it is super addicting.

It is basically a virtual inspiration board.  Say you are browsing the internet or blogs and you see an image that gives you a great idea for your house or a recipe you want to try or even just something that makes you smile or inspires you.  All you do is click "Pin it" on your browser and you can save it to one of your "pin boards".

I don't have it completely figured out.  I think it is kind of hard to find people to follow.  I signed up through Twitter, so I only know how to follow my twitter friends.  So follow me on twitter (@ncsuz) and then I can find you on Pinterest too and we can inspire each other!

Here are some of my recent pins:

I have a board called "thinspiration" (which is apparently an anorexia term- who knew!).  It really has been inspiring but don't worry I am not anorexic even though I pin super skinny girls to inspire me to get my butt in shape!

I did finish week one of Jillian Michael's Ripped in 30 DVD and I lost 2.5 lbs!  Yay!  I am also running 10-15 miles/week and going to the gym- although the morning gym routines have been only 1-2x's per week lately.  And I'm still taking the stairs at work which might be the hardest of them all!  Five flights of stairs in heels carrying a semi-heavy laptop bag and purse is not easy.  And it doesn't help I have this huge fear of missing a step and tumbling down the concrete stairs!  Am I the only one with this irrational fear??  Do you take the stairs at work?


Francesca said...

I recently discovered Pinterest (last week) and have easily spent over 50% of my time on it! OMG, it's FANTASTIC!

Amanda said...

Love Pinterest! I've been finding lots of great recipes on there!

GinH said...

I don't see you via your handle. See if you can find me - w/ my full name! It's super addictive - I loooove it!

Amber @ A Little Pink in the Cornfields said...

Ooooooh, with your permission I just might copy your "thinspiration" board... Good idea!

Tales of Our Journey said...

Oooo...Pinterest is what I need! Thanks for sharing. And congrats on the weight loss!!!

Jennifer M. said...

Yeah I love Pinterest! I think I'm following you -- it's kind of confusing to me on Pinterest because people I think I'm following it always asks me if I want to follow them still, like it's not actually letting me follow anyone for sure. Not sure how that works exactly... I'm http://pinterest.com/desertrose0601/ if you want to find me. :)

And yes, I always worry about falling on stairs - especially when I'm going up them, for some reason. Actually I did fall up them once in high school, while wearing a formal outfit, in front of a cute boy. Probably scarred me for life! Lol.

Jen Carr said...

I was walking down the concrete stairs at work one day (we don't have any choice but to take the stairs to get into the building)and I was wearing heels, which is nothing new, I am perfectly capable of walking in heels, but the night before I had done a KILLER hamstring and quadrecep workout, so I was extremely sore. And it is much more difficult to walk down the stairs than it is up after a ham workout. So this lady was laughing at me. I don't even know who she was, but she was laughing in my face and then she said "nice shoes". If I weren't at work and I didn't think I'd be arrested I wanted to take my heel and beat her in the head with it.

Now, I'm going to have to find this pintrest thing because I love some of the things you shared here.